5 Quick ways to Centre yourself in Anxious times .

This post will show you 5 skills that you can use anytime, anywhere to help your anxiety and combat stress.

In todays times it's easy to feel anxious and many of us hang onto the the anxious feelings for longer than necessary. 

Why do we do this ? We don't want these feelings but we cant just let them go ?

With a lack of knowledge of how our mind, body and emotions work together and the uncertainty of the duration of these uncomfortable feelings, it can be overwhelming and the body reactions, (fight, flight or freeze) can be quite strong in the message it's giving you. 

Fear can set in and unless we do something different, it's hard to make progress and change.

It's our 1st response to try and cope as best we can when anxiety arises to a point of extreme discomfort, and then that's all we can think about in that present moment.

Getting back to basics is the key to starting the process of alleviation.

These 5 Things can help ground you in the heat of the moment;


        "It's just one moment" Remember every moment is just that, one moment. Every emotion can change in an instant and it does. You don't have to feel STUCK.

        2. BREATHE

        Slow, Long and Deep, all the way into your belly at least 3 times. 

        Try the 4 x 4 method of inhale for the count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. 

        Returning to the breath helps the brain respond instead of react to stimuli.

        3. PRACTISE THE 54321 METHOD

        Notice ....5 things you can SEE around you .....4 things you can FEEL.....3 things you can HEAR.....2 things you can SMELL.... and 1 thing you can TASTE.

        This is a great grounding technique that involves all you senses and quietens the panic mind talk that's going on.

        4.  FIND A QUIET PLACE

        Even if its just the bathroom or closing your eyes. Take note of whats going on for you;

        physically.... maybe move a different part of your body

        mentally .... what are the words you are using and what can you change them to 

        emotionally......notice are you teary or angry

        spiritually........ can you use your faith to support yourself by giving yourself key words (anchors) as reminders.

        5. PRIORITISE

        According to urgency, importance and your values,  what matters the most to you?

        Be realistic in your expectations, routines and disciplines. Take off your plate what isn't necessary until you can manage it.

        And remember "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" 

          It's our 1st response to try and get rid of what we feel is bad. In trying to do that and suddenly feeling slightly better, most people think that they have found "the answer" to their problem and continue to do just that every time.

          Just like putting a band aid on a sore, you cant leave it there forever. Getting back to the core of the problem so you can head it off at the pass next time is the type of follow up treatment that's needed. ie. aeroguard for mozzie bites, knee guards for protection or vitamins for immunity. 

          SAME goes for our emotions. If you would like to find out  about how to become more "Emotionally Resilient" and be able to move beyond the coping stages of life's difficult, stressful and overwhelming situations that arise, becoming flexible in your thinking and actions,  just CLICK HERE and have a look at the Emotional Resilience courses on offer.  

          And remember, practice these techniques and share for happier times ahead.

          Categories: : Emotional Resilience